Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Personal Firewall!

RFID researcher Melanie Rieback has invented a new RFID Firewall technology , that could , well, it just protects your RFID's from unwanted signals. The main aim in doing so is to protect the privacy of the RFID users.
Nowadays, the RFID tags are being incorporated in things from bags, passports, clothes.....etc for indentification purposes. Presently , there is a lack of regulation in the information between the Tags and the RFID readers. This results in a dangerous threat to privacy, where the reader can gather
image courtesy:
personal data by using an RFID reader. But the RFID Guardian, as she calls it is set to change that. She describes it as follows:

The RFID Guardian is a mobile battery-powered device that offers personal RFID security and privacy management for people. The RFID Guardian monitors and regulates RFID usage, on the behalf of consumers.

A right move at the right time, dont you think?
You can read more about the RFID technology over here.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 open source alternative - your quick guide to the best open source software

Over at Osalt, its a war between Open vs. closed software.
The Internet has grown into a large communicating tool. Where earlier we were ready to pay big bucks to the developers for software's like photoshop, corel, the same can be now obtained free of cost, all thanks to a great communicating tool called "Internet".

The net has grown rapidly, facilitating the development of these open source development communities. The market has become so very large, one software competing against other, that the user is left with a wide array of choices, and he may not be able to find and choose the right open source alternative for him. Here's where Osalt comes in.

On you can browse through their software categories and compare pros and cons of both commercial products as well as open source software.
You can even Review the products and filter out the bad ones. Great site for people searching for alternatives to the closed software's.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Technorati Profile

Do we need another search engine?

Jimmy Wales , the founder of Wikipedia has announced plans for Wikiasari, an Internet search engine which will compete with Yahoo and Google.

But the main point in question is wether we need a new search engine, when we have the likes of Google and Yahoo? .
The search engine market is quite crowded with players like Google, Yahoo, Overture, Alltheweb, Altavista....crowding the web, and then comes this announcement.

What present day search engines have is an algorithmic searches that can sometimes be easily manipulated(through Keywords..etc..
Wiksari,proposes a new approach, It will be something like Wikipedia in that user-based human judgment will play an important role.
So I think it will be upon the users to select which site is usefull and all. Sounds Good.
Supporting this is the experience of Wales in managing the huge database of Wikipedia.

A provisional launch is planned for the first quarter of 2007, according to Wales.

Contrary to what was reported in The Times, the Wikiasari project is not partnered with Wikia, another project with Wales at the helm, has received project funding from

What do you people think? will " Wikia" be ab