Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Do we need another search engine?

Jimmy Wales , the founder of Wikipedia has announced plans for Wikiasari, an Internet search engine which will compete with Yahoo and Google.

But the main point in question is wether we need a new search engine, when we have the likes of Google and Yahoo? .
The search engine market is quite crowded with players like Google, Yahoo, Overture, Alltheweb, Altavista....crowding the web, and then comes this announcement.

What present day search engines have is an algorithmic searches that can sometimes be easily manipulated(through Keywords..etc..
Wiksari,proposes a new approach, It will be something like Wikipedia in that user-based human judgment will play an important role.
So I think it will be upon the users to select which site is usefull and all. Sounds Good.
Supporting this is the experience of Wales in managing the huge database of Wikipedia.

A provisional launch is planned for the first quarter of 2007, according to Wales.

Contrary to what was reported in The Times, the Wikiasari project is not partnered with Amazon.com. Wikia, another project with Wales at the helm, has received project funding from Amazon.com.

What do you people think? will " Wikia" be ab

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