Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Personal Firewall!

RFID researcher Melanie Rieback has invented a new RFID Firewall technology , that could , well, it just protects your RFID's from unwanted signals. The main aim in doing so is to protect the privacy of the RFID users.
Nowadays, the RFID tags are being incorporated in things from bags, passports, clothes.....etc for indentification purposes. Presently , there is a lack of regulation in the information between the Tags and the RFID readers. This results in a dangerous threat to privacy, where the reader can gather
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personal data by using an RFID reader. But the RFID Guardian, as she calls it is set to change that. She describes it as follows:

The RFID Guardian is a mobile battery-powered device that offers personal RFID security and privacy management for people. The RFID Guardian monitors and regulates RFID usage, on the behalf of consumers.

A right move at the right time, dont you think?
You can read more about the RFID technology over here.

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